About Dr. Peterson
Dr. Jeff Peterson, PhD - Counselor & Counselor Supervisor
Dr. Jeff Peterson, PhD, is currently seeing adults, adolescents, and couples in the Siouxland area as part of 1 Psychiatry, PC in the Dakota Dunes, located in North Sioux City, SD. He is a Nationally Certified Counselor and Licensed Professional Mental Health Counselor who is currently an assistant professor in the School of Education and Counseling at Wayne State College (Nebraska State College). Prior to this he taught at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs, Avila University in Kansas City, and Northwestern University in Evanston. He maintains both an in-person and virtual counseling private practice, where he focuses on self-esteem issues, managing stress, couples therapy, anxiety and depression, dealing with shame and addiction, and sexual or gender identity issues.
He is a national presenter for PESI, one of the nation's leading continuing education organizations that work with the world’s leading experts to create seminars, conferences, videos and books for mental health professionals across the nation. Dr. Peterson currently serves on the editorial review board for the American Counseling Association and has lectured to mental health professionals throughout the country on diversity, cultural competency, ethical concerns in therapy, building growth-fostering relationships, and the treatment of anger and shame. He is the co-founder and organizer of the Healthcare Guild (healthcareguild.com), a national non-profit organization dedicated to helping sexual and gender minorities find affirming and culturally competent health care. Dr. Peterson is a graduate of the University of Iowa and Walden University, with a PhD in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Education and Supervision.
Dr. Peterson's current credentials are PhD, LPCMH, LIMHC, LMHC, NCC, PCC, which are as follows: Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD), Licensed Professional Counselor Mental Health (LCPMH), Licensed Independent Mental Health Counselor (LIMHC), Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), Counselor Educator and Supervisor (ACES), National Board Certified Counselor (NCC), and National Professional Certified Coach (PCC) in the states of South Dakota, Iowa, and Nebraska. Dr. Peterson was formerly licensed as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Missouri and Colorado, a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) in Kansas, and a Clinical Mental Health Counselor (CMHC) in Utah. Dr. Peterson is a faculty advisor for Chi Sigma Iota graduate academic honor society, and a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success and Golden Key honors societies. He is also a two-time graduate scholarship recipient with over 4000 hours of mental-health based volunteer community service.
Dr. Peterson was previously a behavioral health clinician at Saint Luke’s Hospital in their Employee Assistance Program, as well as an Emergency Room behavioral health assessment clinician. He is also a former CARF (Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) IOP (Intensive Outpatient) Dual-Diagnosis program facilitator. His private practice focuses on: managing stress, recovering from previous trauma, couples communication, relationship enhancement, managing general and social anxiety, life coaching and performance improvement, dealing with shame, managing addiction, and working through sexual or gender identity issues. Dr. Peterson is also a Counselor Supervisor who provides supervision for those attaining Licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor, Psychologist, or Social Worker.
Dr. Peterson has been an invited keynote speaker for Laureate Education, presenting TED-style talks to over 500 people in major metropolitan areas such as San Diego, Hawaii, Orlando, and Houston, on the topic of diversity, global responsibility, and fostering positive social change. He presented at the national American Medical Association (GLMA) Conference about ethical concerns in therapy, at the national ACES (Association for Counselor Education and Supervision) Conference on how to deal with the psychological effects of shame, at the Colorado Counseling Association Conference on how to avoid Microaggressions in a clinical setting, the Nebraska Counseling Association (NCA) on diversity issues, and has presented on these topics for Mental Health America (MHA), Good Therapy, Research Psychiatric Hospital, Saint Luke's Health System, Missouri Health Equity Collaborative (MOHEC), and several community mental health centers in Colorado, Utah, Missouri, and Kansas.
What is the Difference Between a Counselor, Psychiatrist, Nurse Practitioner, Psychologist, or Social Worker?

What is Your Theoretical Approach to Counseling?
Relational Psychotherapy (Relational-Cultural Therapy)
Relational Psychotherapy (RCT) is based on the idea that an individual’s mental health is greatly influenced by how well that person is able to create and sustain meaningful relationships with those around them. Challenges related to anxiety, stress, or emotional attachment have often prevented the individual from feeling secure in their own skin and therefore feeling secure enough to form meaningful attachments to those around them. During therapy we will work together to unravel past experiences and better understand their impact. We will also work together to practice building a secure relationship with one another, recognize problematic behavioral patterns that might be getting in the way of a positive relationship, and develop skills for strengthening your relationship with yourself (self-confidence) and building stronger healthier relationships in the future.Emotionally Focused Therapy (E.F.T.)
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is helpful for improving your relationship with others (couples, family members, co-workers, friends). It is based on the idea that each individual develops emotional patterns that could contribute to potentially distressing cycles of interaction. Exploring emotions together in therapy can help reveal particular patterns, their triggers, and the dynamic of how those emotions interlock or play off of one another. Developing emotional intelligence and emotional awareness begins in a safe therapeutic environment where each individual is allowed to express their experiences and feelings without judgment. The goal is to eventually learn how to release stressful feelings or anxieties and move into a place of validation (feeling heard and understood by others). Learning how to feel secure in releasing and validating these feelings around others lays a foundation for developing deeper healthier relationships.Somatic Experiencing (S.E.)
Somatic experiencing (SE) takes into account the connection between our mind and body. The approach contextualizes our experiences into varying degrees of threat and how the body responds to such threat. The goal is to help reduce the negative psychological symptoms of past traumatic events (such as anxiety, shame, PTSD, or aggression) through allowing the body to fully process or release what happened. The idea is that once the body restores or rebalances itself it will be better equipped to self-regulate emotional challenges that arise in the present.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (C.B.T.)
All of these approaches are part of my therapeutic toolbox, which are often used in combination with one another. One example is the use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT is well known for helping individuals identify and change unhealthy or distorted thought patterns. These thought patterns can then trigger emotional responses that form a chain of emotional events. This process happens so quickly that it is often outside of the awareness of an individual and therefore requires a significant process of unraveling over time. However, when used alone it can oftentimes fall short of addressing the "whole individual."
Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (R.E.B.T.)
For example, sometimes CBT is used in conjunction with Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT), which is behavioral in nature and helps individuals develop new skills for coping with emotions and interacting with others. This involves developing mindful awareness based on living in the present moment and accepting each moment as it is without influence from past preconceived beliefs or emotions. REBT helps a client accept the present moment with a non-judgmental stance and works towards developing new models of interacting with self and others.
Psychoanalytic & Psychodynamic Counseling
In addition, it is sometimes beneficial to look at the developmental "cause" of some of our psychological patterns. It could therefore be helpful to employ the use of psychoanalysis or psychodynamic approaches, which focus on analyzing past events and how those events shape our present and future. This often involves looking at your attachment to your surroundings, care providers, role-models, and peers. It also strives to help an individual develop awareness and coping skills for dealing with past unresolved issues.
Gestalt Therapy & Existential Therapy
Gestalt and Existential therapy focus on pulling everything together by contextualizing the whole person or whole experience with the feelings, thoughts, or behaviors that an individual is struggling with.
NeuroLinguistic Programming (N.L.P.)
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a goal-focused approach used in coaching to help individuals understand how neurological pathways can be reshaped in an effort to change behaviors, thoughts, and feelings.
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (M.B.S.R.)
And finally, mindfulness can be a great skill for anyone seeking relief from stress and anxiety. Mindfulness focuses on bringing our attention to the present moment, free from judgment and with a sense of curiosity. This helps an individual cope with situations where our mind might be tempted to hijack our attention with speculation and fear, and to instead accept the reality that many things in life are outside of our control, and we can gain relief by focusing on those things that we can control.
Recent Publications & PresentationsPeterson, J. (Oct, 2024). Certified Anger Treatment Program: Transforming Anger Through Radical Acceptance and Forgiveness. Atlanta Public School District, Atlanta, GA. Keynote Presenter.
Peterson, J. (Sep, 2023). Transforming Anger Through Radical Acceptance and Forgiveness. Mental Health America (MHA), Overland Park, KS. (Webinar) Keynote Presenter.
Peterson, J. (July, 2023). Transforming Anger Through Radical Acceptance and Forgiveness. Muscogee Creek Nation. Muscogee Nation Department of Public Health, Tulsa, OK. (Webinar) Keynote Presenter.
Peterson, J. (Feb, 2023). Addressing Shame when Working with LGBTQ+ Clients. 2023 BHECN Core Topic Webinar Series. University of Nebraska Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska, Omaha, NE. (Webinar) Keynote Presenter.
Peterson, J. (Oct, 2022). The Mindful Path to Self-Care for Helping Professionals. North Central Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors National Conference. NCACES. Omaha, NE. Workshop Presenter.
Peterson, J., Hicks, A., Reed, D. (Mar, 2021). Telemental Health Practice: Legal and Ethical Obligations. Presentation for the Law and Ethics in Counseling Conference. University of Holy Cross. New Orleans, LA. (Webinar) Workshop Presenter.
Peterson, J., Hicks, A., Reed, D. (Mar, 2021). Counseling Clients from Diverse Cultural Backgrounds: Becoming Multiculturally Competent. Presentation for the Law and Ethics in Counseling Conference. University of Holy Cross. New Orleans, LA. (Webinar) Workshop Presenter.
Peterson, J. (Nov, 2020). A Clinicians Ethical Responsibility to Reduce Cultural, Sexual, and Gender Identity Microaggressions. National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) Bridging the Gap Virtual Summit. (Webinar) Workshop Presenter. Peterson, J., (June, 2019). Certified Anger Management Treatment Professional – 2 Day Intensive Clinical Certification Course. PESI Behavioral Health Continuing Education & PESI Publishing, King of Prussia Crowne Plaza, Philadelphia, PA. 12.5hr CEU Curriculum Developer & Presenter.
Peterson, J., (May, 2019). Certified Anger Management Treatment Professional – 2 Day Intensive Clinical Certification Course. PESI Behavioral Health Continuing Education & PESI Publishing, Pasadena Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA. 12.5hr CEU Curriculum Developer & Presenter.
Peterson, J., (Apr, 2019). Depression, Shame, Suicide, and LGBTQ - Treatment Considerations. Saint Mary’s College, Kansas City Mental Health Associates, Overland Park, KS, 6hr CEU Workshop Presenter.
Peterson, J., (Feb, 2019). A Clinician’s Ethical Responsibility to Reduce Racial, Sexual, and Gender Identity Microaggressions. North Kansas City Hospital, Kansas City, MO, Keynote Presenter.
Peterson, J., Whitman, J. (June, 2019). Developing Professional Competency for Working with Polyfidelitous and Polyamorous Clients. Submission for Publication Pending.
Peterson, J., Whitman, J. (June, 2019). Developing a Clinical Understanding of Polyfidelity and Modern Polygamy. Submission for Publication Pending.
Peterson, J., (Oct, 2018). Depression, Shame, Suicide, and other Stigmatized-Minority (LGBTQ) Mental Health Risks. Cottonwood Hospital, Olathe, KS, Keynote Presenter.
Peterson, J., (Sept, 2018). Chronic Suicidality and Other Long-term Effects of Shame: How Clinicians Can Help!. Saint Mary’s College, Kansas City Mental Health Associates, Overland Park, KS, 6hr CEU Workshop Presenter.
Peterson, J., (July, 2018). Psychological Impact of Forced Child-Parent Separation. Immigration Reform: We are the People, Kansas City, MO, Panelist.
Peterson, J., (May, 2018). Mindful Path to Self-Care for the Helping Professions. Saint Luke’s Health System, Kansas City, MO, Presenter.
Peterson, J., (April, 2018). Mindful Path to Self-Care for the Helping Professions. Cottonwood Mental Health Center, Overland Park, KS, Presenter. Peterson, J., (July, 2017). Addressing Shame in a Behavioral Health Clinical Setting. Mental Health America (MHA), Kansas City, KS, Presenter.
Peterson, J., (June, 2017). Reducing Sexual and Gender Identity Microaggressions in Mental Health Counseling. Signatures Healthcare System, Kansas City, MO, Presenter.
Peterson, J., (Apr, 2017). Addressing Shame in a Behavioral Health Clinical Setting. National Webinar Presentation for Good Therapy, goodtherapy.org, Presenter. Peterson, J., (Apr, 2017). Best Practices for Treating Shame in a Clinical Setting. Workshop Presentation for Saint Lukes Health System – Employee Assistance Program, Kansas City, MO, Presenter.
Peterson, J., (Dec, 2016). Polyfidelity and the Dynamics of Group Romantic Relationships. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest Publications.
Peterson, J., (Oct, 2016). Best Practices for Working with Sexual and Gender Minorities. Keynote Presenter for Kansas Association of Court Services Officers (KACSO) conference, Overland Park, KS, Presenter.
Peterson, J., (Sept, 2016). Best Practices for Working with Sexual and Gender Minority Clients. Keynote Presenter for Mental Health America (MHA) workshop, Kansas City, MO, Presenter.
Peterson, J., (August, 2016). Reducing Sexual and Gender Identity Microaggressions in Mental Health Counseling. National Webinar Presentation for Good Therapy, goodtherapy.org, Presenter. |
Dr. Peterson is Affiliated with these Professional Associations
American Psychiatric Association (APA) www.psychiatry.org
American Psychological Association (APA) www.apadivision44.org
American Counseling Association (ACA) - www.counseling.org
American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA) www.amhca.org
American Counselor Educators and Supervisors (ACES) - www.acesonline.net
American Association of Sexuality Educators Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) www.aasect.org
American Medical Association (LGBT-GLMA) www.glma.org
Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW) www.asgw.org
Consortium for Research on Alternative Sexualities (CARAS) www.carasresearch.org
World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) www.wpath.org
Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS) www.sexscience.org
National Coalition for Sexual Freedom (NCSF) www.ncsfreedom.org
Counseling Services of Jeff Peterson, PhD
1 Psychiatry, P.C. | 211 Sioux Point Road, Suite 300 | Dakota Dunes, SD 57049-5492
605-215-6695 | jeffpetersonphd@gmail.com